There's something about the end of summer that makes me simply giddy. We've had a delightful summer - not too hot, not too cold, but just about right. The kids are in and out of the house, playing with friends, mixing lots of lemonade. I've loved our family trips, our outings to the beach, and the chalk art on my back patio. But after a while I start drowning in the sound of television reruns. I tire of the endless pleadings to play video games and the phrase, "just let me finish this level." In time my kids forget how to play outside and how to read before bed. Going back to school tosses us back into a routine.
The routine starts TOO EARLY in the morning for this night owl, but I embrace the fresh start on our family life. It's like pressing the reset button. We reorganize, recommit, and try again. I look forward to reading chapter books with my daughter and then have her gaze up at me and ask, "what should we talk about." I love seeing my kids focused and responsible. I don't care much for cracking the whip when it's homework time, but I like seeing their minds at work. And this year I look forward to having one on one time with my Goose while the other kids are at school.
My friend is looking forward to time with her littlest girl. Isn't she a cutie.
It was so fun to see you this summer!!!
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